Logos for Willow, p2panda, Veilid, Freenet, and Cable over background of interconnected dots

ADR 1: Peer-to-peer protocol

Date: 2024-06-25

Status: Accepted

Context: The method for encrypted data distribution needs to be decided.

Decision: Willow protocol with Earthstar

Consequences: The backend architecture influences the user experience for onboarding and connecting with friends, the timeliness of updates, and overall trustworthiness from non-functional requirements.


Willow with Earthstar most closely matches the requirements with actively maintained specifications and libraries. The Veilid, Freenet, and Cable protocols are the next most interesting options for Bana’s use case.

See prior post for more information on the use case.


P2P optionIn browserSyncDeletesAccess controlScore
Cable protocol🟢🟡3
Freenet protocol🟢🟡🟡🟡2.5
ODD.dev by Fission🟢0*
Pear with Hyperdrive by Holepunch 🟡🟡0
PZP (PPPPP by Manyverse successor)🟡0.5
Secure Scuttlebutt1
Willow with Earthstar4
Overview table of peer-to-peer tools’ ability to support my app’s use case


  • ✅ acceptable
  • 🟡 partially meets requirements
  • 🟢 will meet requirements in future
  • ❌ does not meet requirements
  • ? uncertain if meet requirements
  • – not evaluated
  • 🤷 so confusing I had no idea what I was reading

In browser requirements

  • Web native: runs in an unmodified web browser


  • Cable protocol: “cabal-web coming soon” (source)
  • Freenet: yes, but requires 5 MB bootstrap
  • Interpeer: not enough code to fully evaluate, but documentation does not suggest use within browser
  • p2panda: client applications require an aquadoggo server that can run on device or as community infrastructure (source)
  • PZP: does not seem to run in-browser
  • Pear: requires Bare, a Node.js-like runtime
  • Veilid: WebRTC is on the roadmap, but not yet implemented (source)
  • Willow: “Works in the browser.” (source)

Sync requirements

  • Selective: not all the data must be synced
  • Arbitrary: data can be requested as needed
  • Relevant: device only hosts data and connectivity relevant to the user’s use of the app
  • Resilient: data owner can backup data on multiple devices


  • Freenet: data syncing is an app-level concern, but technically possible to implement. No way to restrict connectivity participation to only fellow users of the app.
  • p2panda: part of namakemono in development
  • Pear: Hypercore supports a sparse mode (source 3:31) for accessing the append-only log, but requires creating own negotiation protocol.
  • PZP: PPPPP planned support for requirements, but not yet released
  • Veilid: Likely possible to do selective and arbitrary access, but would be app-level concern to implement. Apps can use the public Veilid network or build their own to only host data and connectivity relevant to the use case (source slide 13)
  • Willow with Earthstar: all supported by specs (source, source)

Delete requirements

  • Pruned: the content deleted cannot be retrieved by examining the edit history. Data should eventually leave no trace when deleted.


  • Freenet: app-level concern, but technically possible to implement.
  • NextGraph: based on CRDTs (source)
  • p2panda: part of namakemono in development (source)
  • Pear: Hyperdrive dependency on Hyperbee dependency on Hypercore is immutable, append-only log. Data can be removed, but its presence without metadata is kept forever. (source)
  • PZP: Data is deleted, but metadata and hash remain forever. (source) PPPPP planned support for requirements, but never released (source)
  • Secure Scuttlebutt: immutable, “cannot change anything that has been published” (source)
  • Veilid: app-level concern, but technically possible to implement.
  • Willow: supported by spec (source)

Access control requirements

  • Discretionary: data owner controls who can access, create, update, delete
  • (Optional) Assistive: group members can distribute data to each other when owner offline


  • Cable protocol: access control enforced by creating dedicated chat channels and data owner using moderation controls. Supports assistive requirement.
  • Freenet: app-level concern, but technically possible to implement.
  • ODD.dev: WNFS allows private sharing by creating a symlink to private data for each user. Private data shares are read-only. (source) Data is stored on IPFS, which allows for peer sharing. Unsure if or how private sharing affects offline peer access.
  • p2panda: support for requirements planned (source)
  • Veilid: app-level concern, but technically possible to implement.
  • Willow: all supported by spec (source)

Additional considerations


  • Veilid’s improved Tor-like hopping is very attractive.
  • Needs more review for Willow.
    • 2024-06-26 update: Willow has intentionally punted on this and said ‘however you can make a connection, go for it!’. Earthstar intends to have a few methods for establishing connections, but only server connections are currently implemented. It is possible to do WebRTC signalling to enable direct peer connections, but is not yet implemented. (source)

Threat models

  • Needs more review for all of them


  • NextGraph: not yet released
  • ODD.dev: One of the strongest potential options, but the company responsible for its primary development ceased operation in May 2024 (source)
  • Secure Scuttlebutt and PPPPP: The lead developer of the successor to Secure Scuttlebutt protocol, that would allow for selective sync and deletes (source) moved on from the Manyverse project in April 2024 (source)
  • PZP is carrying on PPPPP’s work (source)
  • Veilid: alpha release
  • Willow: Rust implementation in production use by Iroh. Earthstar implementations (Willow JS, Meadowcap JS) have active development.

Stack biases

Preferences: TypeScript, Rust, JSON, RESTful API

Disinclination: GraphQL, Ruby, Java, C#

  • Freenet: Rust & WASM
  • NextGraph: Rust & WASM, SPARQL, RDF
  • p2panda: GraphQL
  • Willow: TypeScript, Rust


Post preview image features the a photo by Conny Schneider on Unsplash.


I likely misunderstood something. Please send me your questions, clarifications, corrections, or anything else you think might be helpful.

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